Expected strategic result Legislation establishes legal liability of officials who are administrators of government aid for violating the requirements of the Law of Ukraine On Government Aid to Business Entities by providing illegal and inadmissible government aid
Measures — 2
Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to amend the Law of Ukraine On Government Aid to Business Entities, which defines:
1) the kinds of liability of managers and other officers of the entities providing government aid for violating the requirements of the aforementioned Law, including the requirements with respect to the obligation to notify the relevant authority about the provision of new government aid, and liability for provision of government aid that is inadmissible in a competitive environment.
The main implementer: Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine
Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to amend the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses, which defines:
1) the elements of violations of legislative requirements pertaining to government aid provided to business entities, including the requirements with respect to the obligation to notify the relevant authority about the provision of new government aid, and liability for provision of government aid that is inadmissible in a competitive environment;
2) sanctions for such violations.
The main implementer: Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine
Indicators — 3
The law on amendments to the Law of Ukraine On Government Aid to Business Entities has taken effect, which defines:
a) the kinds of liability applicable to managers and other officers of the entities providing government aid for violating the requirements of the aforementioned Law, including the requirements with respect to the obligation to notify the relevant authority about the provision of new government aid, and liability for provision of government aid that is inadmissible in a competitive environment (45 percent)
The law on amendments to the legislation on administrative offenses has taken effect, which defines:
a) the elements of violations of legislative requirements pertaining to government aid provided to business entities, including the requirements with respect to the obligation to notify the relevant authority about the provision of new government aid, and liability for provision of government aid that is inadmissible in a competitive environment (25 percent);
b) sanctions for such violations (20 percent).
the results of the expert survey have demonstrated that:
a) more than 75 percent of specialists in the economy and business regulation sectors evaluate the quality of legal regulation implemented pursuant to subclauses 1 and 2 of clause as high or very high (10 percent);
b) more than 50 percent of specialists in the economy and business regulation sectors evaluate the quality of legal regulation implemented pursuant to subclauses 1 and 2 of clause as high or very high (7 percent);
c) more than 25 percent of specialists in the economy and business regulation sectors evaluate the quality of legal regulation implemented pursuant to subclauses 1 and 2 of clause as high or very high (4 percent).