Progress in the implementation of measures as of 28.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
Not implemented
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 0 ( 0%)
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Evaluation of achievement of ESR (%)

Рівень досягнення ОСР - низький

Measures — 1 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law on stimulating the development of a historical and architectural reference plan (which provides for amendments to the Land Code of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine On the Protection of Cultural Heritage, On the Regulation of Urban Development Activities, On the State Land Cadastre), which
1) imposes a moratorium on construction (including reconstruction), approval of design documentation and issuance of permits for earthworks and construction works in the historic areas of historic population centers until the approval of the historical and architectural reference plan, which includes the legal conditions of usage of historic areas of population centers and the boundaries and conditions of usage of cultural heritage site conservation zones, which are approved in accordance with the established procedure by the relevant research and design documentation, and in case of absence of approved boundaries of historic areas and that these boundaries are not drawn in situ - on the entire territory of historic population centers;
2) prohibits the development, approval and adoption of land management projects in historic population centers without an approved historical and architectural reference plan, which includes the legal conditions of usage of historic areas of population centers and the boundaries and conditions of usage of cultural heritage site conservation zones, as well as prohibits the development, approval and adoption of land management projects which do not establish and do not draw in situ the boundaries of cultural heritage site conservation zones - until these boundaries are drawn in situ

The main implementer: Ministry of Culture and Strategic Communications of Ukraine

Indicators — 1

Evaluation of achievement of ESR — indicator weight —
0 / 100%

The law on incentivizing the development of historical and architectural reference plans has taken effect, which has amended the Land Code of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine On the Protection of Cultural Heritage, On the Regulation of Urban Development Activities, On the State Land Cadaster, and other legislative acts, and which:
a) imposes a moratorium on construction (particularly retrofitting), approval of design documentation, and issuance of permits for earthmoving operations and construction in historic areas of historic population centers until such time when a historical and architectural reference plan has been approved, which specifies the legal conditions of usage of historic areas of population centers and the boundaries and conditions of usage of cultural heritage site conservation zones, which have been approved in the prescribed manner via the relevant research and design documentation, and in the absence of approved boundaries of historic areas and their absence in situ — over the entire territory of historic population centers (50 percent);
b) prohibits the development, review, and approval of land management plans within historic population centers without an approved historical and architectural reference plan, which specifies the legal conditions of usage of historic areas of population centers and the boundaries and conditions of usage of cultural heritage site conservation zones, and also prohibits the development, review, and approval of land management plans without established (in situ) boundaries of cultural heritage site conservation zones — until such time when such boundaries have been established in situ (50 percent).

* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)