Progress in the implementation of measures as of 11.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
2 2 1 1
Implemented In progress Not implemented Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 2 ( 33.3%)
Display in tabular form

Evaluation of achievement of ESR (%)

Рівень досягнення ОСР - середній

Measures — 6 Drafting and issuing the order of the Ministry of Infrastructure on approval of State Standard of Ukraine DSTU ХХХХ:20ХХ “Motor Roads. Rules for Scheduling Repairs”, which sets forth the requirements applicable to the planning of all road construction operations, taking into account the results of instrument-assisted surveys

The main implementer: State Enterprise “Ukrainian Research and Training Center for Problems of Standardization, Certification and Quality” Development of a draft order of Ministry for development of communities and territories of Ukraine on amendments to Methods of calculation of scopes of funding,
construction, reconstruction, repair and maintenance of roads, approved by the order of наказом Ministry for development of communities and territories of Ukraine and Ministry of Finance as of September 21, 2012, no.573/1019 on the following:
1) one of the priority criteria for funding of reconstruction and rebuilding works o nthe public roads are the transport operational status indicators (ratios of traffic intensity, road surface strength, equality, friction) and the technical level of public roads;
2) transport operational status and public roads technical level shall be estimated in accordance with construction norms and requirements of regulating documentation

The main implementer: State Agency for Restoration and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine Holding a public discussion and approval by the concerned authorities the draft order indicated in subclause, and ensuring its revision (if needed)

The main implementer: State Agency for Restoration and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine Issuing the order indicated in subclause

The main implementer: Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Developing and implementing a data storage system with the functionality for automatic selection (prioritization) of motor roads for the purposes of planning road repairs based on data of instrument-assisted surveys

The main implementer: State Agency for Restoration and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine Gathering data based on the results of instrument-assisted surveys of motor roads, which are used to plan road construction work with the help of the system indicated in subclause

The main implementer: State Agency for Restoration and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine

Indicators — 4

Evaluation of achievement of ESR — indicator weight —
30 / 30%

The order of the National Standardization Authority has taken effect, which has adopted the national standard DSTU XXXX:20XX Motor Roads. Rules for Scheduling Repairs (which stipulates that all road construction works must be planned taking into account the results of instrument-assisted surveys).

0 / 30%

The order of the Ministry of Infrastructure has taken effect, which approves the algorithm of instrument-assisted surveys of the condition of motor roads and the procedure for selecting priority road segments for repairs (sequence).

10 / 20%

A data storage system has been implemented with the functionality for automatic selection (prioritization) of motor roads for the purposes of planning road repairs based on data of instrument-assisted surveys

0 / 20%

Planning of road construction works is carried out transparently, in accordance with the approved requirements, using an appropriate system, taking into account the results of instrument-assisted surveys.

* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)