Feedback from the public

Measure Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law that:
1) introducing a procedure for urgent notification of ARMA prosecutors about the discovery of assets that can be seized;
2) introducing the mandatory planning of the seizure of an asset in respect of which the issue of its transfer to ARMA for management will be raised, before the prosecutor has filed a motion for seizure of the asset in a criminal proceeding or in a civil proceeding;
3) providing for the possibility of the transfer to ARMA for management of any asset that has been seized in a criminal proceeding and whose value exceeds 200 times the minimum living wage of able-bodied individuals (irrespective of whether or not this asset constitutes physical evidence and irrespective of the grounds on which it was seized as part of the criminal proceeding)

Measure status:


Actual execution date:


The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: Seizure and transfer of illegally obtained assets to ARMA for management in order to preserve their economic value are carried out effectively and in a timely manner

Problem solving:

3.3.3. The legislation governing the activity of the ARMA contains numerous gaps and corruption risks. Low effectiveness of the processes of transferring assets to ARMA for management to preserve their economic value, as well as the processes of combating and preventing money laundering


01.01.2024 - 31.05.2024

Responsible implementors (authorities):

The main implementer: Asset Recovery and Management Agency

Sources of funding:

state budget

Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):

within the established budget allocations for the relevant year

Performance indicator:

The draft law has been submitted to the Parliament of Ukraine.

Implementing status

Progress/Result of implementation:

Національне агентство України з питань виявлення, розшуку та управління активами, одержаними від корупційних та інших злочинів, на виконання відповідного заходу Державної антикорупційної програми на 2023 - 2025 роки розробило проект Закону України "Про внесення змін до Кримінального процесуального кодексу України та інших законодавчих актів щодо врегулювання порядку інформування прокурорів про виявлення активів, на які може бути накладено арешт у кримінальному провадженні".

Відповідна законодавча ініціатива була схвалена Кабінетом Міністрів України та зареєстрована у Верховній Раді України за реєстр. № 11473 від 12.08.2024.

Monitoring results (quarterly):

The measure was not implemented on time and in full
The measure was implemented late and partially
Implementation of the measure has started on time

Key sources of assessment:

1. Верховна Рада України: Законопроект від 12.08.2024 № 11473

Additional sources of information: