Feedback from the public

Measure Putting into operation the unified electronic urban development cadaster, whose tools ensure:
1) automation and provision of the legislatively prescribed list of administrative services in the sector of urban development, which have to be provided through the platform of the unified electronic urban development cadaster;
2) population of the unified electronic urban development cadaster with current urban development documentation (particular that adopted prior to the launch of the cadaster) and assignment of a spatial index to this documentation;
3) maintenance of the state register of urban development documentation as part of the unified electronic urban development cadaster and entry of urban development documentation into the unified electronic urban development cadaster, assignment of a spatial index, and granting free access to this documentation (other than classified information);
4) mutual exchange and integration of data among the unified electronic urban development cadaster, the State Land Cadaster, the State Register of Real Rights to Immovable Property, the electronic register of cultural heritage sites, the State Forest Cadaster, the State Cadaster of Territories and Sites of the Nature Reserve Fund; geospatial data about the territory, administrative-territorial units; databases of ecological and forest cadasters, geotechnical conditions; data on facilities of the engineering and transport infrastructure, existing and proposed utility networks, line facilities of the energy infrastructure, distribution of capacities of utility networks, available unclaimed capacity, and technical specifications issued; geospatial data of technical inventory and registration of immovable properties, the unified register of addresses;
5) the ability to automatically generate urban development conditions and restrictions as well as specific kinds of permits by submitting an online application through the platform of the unified electronic urban development cadaster.

Measure status:

In progress

The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: The Unified Electronic Urban Development Cadaster has been created, which is a platform for providing all administrative services in the field of urban development and a public source of urban development information. Urban development documentation becomes effective from the time when it has been entered into the Unified Electronic Urban Development Cadaster and assigned a spatial index

Problem solving:

2.5.1. The lack of publicity surrounding the information in the field of urban development and land management fosters corruption and makes construction in violation of the law possible.


01.10.2024 - 31.03.2025

Responsible implementors (authorities):

The main implementer: Ministry for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development of Ukraine
Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine

Sources of funding:

state budget

Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):

within the established budget allocations for the relevant year

Performance indicator:

The Unified Electronic Urban Development Cadaster has been put into operation with full functionality.

Implementing status

Progress/Result of implementation:

За інформацією, наданою Мінінфраструктури за звітній період: «Реалізація зазначених функцій передбачається в рамках створення містобудівного кадастру на державному рівні (МБКД), а не на порталі Єдиної державної електронної системи у сфері будівництва (ЄДЕССБ). ЄДЕССБ відповідно до Закону України «Про регулювання містобудівної діяльності» є складовою містобудівного кадастру. Мінінфраструктури в рамках виконання бюджетної програми КПКВК 2751110 здійснюється створення МБКД.

У 2023 році завершено реалізацію етапу "Ескізний проєкт створення МБКД". У першому кварталі 2024 року розпочалося бета-тестування геопорталу МБКД.»

Головним виконавцем не надано інформації про нові (у порівнянні із І кварталом 2024 року) кроки, вжиті у ІІ кварталі 2024 року на виконання даного заходу. Таким чином, даний захід є таким, що продовжує виконуватися.

Monitoring results (quarterly):

There is no progress in the implementation of the measure
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
Implementation of the measure has started on time
Implementation of the measure has not started

Key sources of assessment: