Progress in the implementation of measures as of 28.03.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
1 2
Not implemented Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 0 ( 0%)
Display in tabular form

Evaluation of achievement of ESR (%)

Рівень досягнення ОСР - низький

Indicators — 2

Evaluation of achievement of ESR — indicator weight —
0 / 60%

A law has taken effect, which improves the operations of construction financing funds, which provides for the use of two methods of financial control of the developer — based on the schedule of housing construction and based on the proper spending of funds (funds should be advanced to the developer in accordance with the construction stages, and the developer should be financed by scanning transactions through the developer’s bank account).

0 / 40%

An analytical report on corruption risks associated with the process of investing and financing of construction of residential properties with the use of private funds raised from individuals or legal entities, particularly with respect to the presence of corruption risks in the operations of construction financing funds and real estate transactions funds has been published.

* - certain measures are common to several ESRs, but have a separate number (id)