Inventorying and monitoring cultural heritage sites that serve as grounds for adding a populated area to the List of Historic Populated Areas of Ukraine, and checking the existence of other grounds for adding populated areas to said List, as well as updating documents needed to grant historic status to a city, town or village and add it to the List of Historic Populated Areas of Ukraine, and more specifically:
1) checking the availability of documents needed to grant historic status to a city, town or village and add it to the List of Historic Populated Areas of Ukraine, updating the documents (if they have been found to be incomplete) or generating (creating) documents (if the document are missing but grounds exist for adding a city, town or village to the List of Historic Populated Areas of Ukraine), publishing the results on the official website of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy;
2) monitoring cultural heritage sites that serve as grounds for granting historic status to populated areas, and verifying that the population centers meet the other criteria for being on the List of Historic Populated Areas of Ukraine, particularly by inspecting the availability and status of cultural heritage sites, preparing a visual inspection report using the form provided in Appendix 6 to the Procedure for Maintaining a Record of Cultural Heritage Sites, approved by the order of the Ministry of Culture dated March 11, 2013, No. 158, as amended by the order of the Ministry of Culture dated June 27, 2019, No. 501, verifying the preservation of the layout as it existed in previous historical epochs (prior to the 20th century), preservation of the primary composition centers and composition gridlines of the populated areas, preservation of ordinary historic buildings — while documenting the monitoring process and its results; the results have been published on the official website of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy;
3) creating a list of cultural heritage sites that have vanished (been destroyed, demolished) or lost their historic (cultural) value, as well as the list of historic populated areas that do not meet the criteria for being on the List of Historic Populated Areas of Ukraine; the results have been published on the official website of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy.
Measure status:
The measure is aimed at achieving ESR: Cultural heritage sites have been inventoried, and the inventory findings have been used to update the list of historic populated areas; the electronic register of cultural heritage sites has been populated with data and made public
Problem solving:
2.5.2. The absence of public information on cultural heritage sites and conflicts in urban development and landmark protection laws result in abuses and development of cultural heritage sites.
Responsible implementors (authorities):
Vinnytsia Regional State Administration
Volyn regional state administration
Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration
Donetsk regional state administration
Zhytomyr Regional State Administration
Transcarpathian regional state administration
Zaporizhzhia regional state administration
Ivano-Frankivsk Regional State Administration
Kyiv regional state administration
Kirovohrad Regional State Administration
Lviv Regional State Administration
Luhansk regional state administration
Mykolaiv Regional State Administration
Odesa Regional State Administration
Poltava Regional State Administration
Rivne Regional State Administration
Sumy regional state administration
Ternopil Regional State Administration
Kharkiv Regional State Administration
Kherson regional state administration
Khmelnytskyi regional state administration
Cherkasy regional state administration
Chernivtsi regional state administration
Chernihiv Regional State Administration
Kyiv City State Administration
Sources of funding:
state budget
Volumes of financing (thousand UAH):
within the established budget allocations for the relevant year
Performance indicator:
Cultural heritage sites that serve as grounds for adding a populated area to the List of Historic Populated Areas of Ukraine have been inventoried and monitored, and the official documentation has been updated.
In accordance with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine No. 1194 On Amendments to the State Anti-Corruption Programme for 2023-2025 dated 18 October 2024, the content of the measure was amended.
Implementing status
Progress/Result of implementation:
За інформацією МКСК, наданою у попередніх звітніх періодах, щодо підпункту 1 заходу продовжується аналіз поданої співвиконавцями інформації.
Інформація в ІІ кварталі 2024 року надавалась Волинською, Запорізькою, Херсонською, Луганською, Тернопільською, Полтавською, Рівненською, Чернівецькою, Сумською, Хмельницькою, Вінницькою, Чернігівською, Кіровоградською, Житомирською обласними державними адміністраціями.
Станом на ІІІ квартал 2024 року отримано інформацію від Чернівецької, Тернопільської, Херсонської, Харківської, Сумської, Вінницької, Житомирської, Київської, Запорізької, Рівненської обласних державних (військових) адміністрацій.
Щодо підпункту 3 заходу МКІП зазначає, що переліки об'єктів що були знищені (окрім тих що вилучались з Державного реєстру нерухомих памʼяток України), історичних населених місць що не відповідають критеріям для перебування у Списку, а також публікація таких переліків планується МКІП після внесення змін до Порядку визнання населеного місця історичним і оновлення критеріїв такого визначення.
За інформацією, наданою МКСК за IV квартал 2024 року як звітний період: "В процесі отримання інформації від органів охорони культурної спадщини щодо стану відповідних об'єктів в історичних населених місцях".
З огляду на вищезазначене даний захід продовжує виконуватися і прогрес у його виконанні наявний.