ESR The overall level of tolerance of corruption in Ukraine has decreased owing to the integration of anticorruption topics into educational curricula at all levels, which includes instilling in society a stable perception of corruption as a phenomenon that significantly slows down the socioeconomic development of the country, of corrupt officials as persons who make public administration ineffective, and the realization that dishonest practices, even when they look like a convenient opportunity to solve their issues in the short term, are always disadvantageous for individuals and society in the medium and long term
Problem solving:
1.2.1. Everyday corrupt practices are an established norm of conduct and are not perceived as violations of moral or legal norms. There is no consistent demand from the population for public officials to uphold the prescribed rules of ethical conduct and integrity
Deadlines for all measures within ESR
Implementation of SACP measures within ESR
Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers
Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
Summarized general information on Measures
Indicators of achievement of ESR
Total number of indicators – 3
Indicators fully achieved – 1
Partially achieved indicators – 0
Indicators with a score of 0% – 2
Summarized general information about Achievement Indicators
* - Вага - програмне значення індикатора в ОСР№ | Indicators | Weight* (%) | Assessment of achievement | Evaluation rationale | Data source/information manager | |
for the year 2024 | for the year 2025 | |||||
1 |
Anti-corruption topics are integrated into the content of general secondary education and the content of professional (vocational) education: a) the documents defining the guidelines and content of curricula for general secondary education contain provisions on anti-corruption topics - the state standard of vocational secondary education (civic and social competencies), the state standard of professional (vocational) education) (7 percent); b) educational and methodological materials which will be used for cross-cutting formation of intolerance to corruption and adherence to virtuous strategies of behavior were developed (7 percent);; c) a program of an optional course on the prevention of corruption and social integrity for middle school students was developed (21 percent); d) a curriculum and educational and methodological complex on corruption prevention and social integrity were developed, approved and recommended for use by professional (vocational) education institutions (20 percent) |
55% | 0% | Ministry of Education and ScienceState research institution “Institute of Education Content Modernization”National Agency | ||
2 |
Anticorruption topics have been integrated into the content of higher education: a) teaching methods materials on anticorruption topics (anticorruption, social and academic integrity) have been developed and the relevant topics have been designated as a mandatory component of the curricula and study programs for first-year students pursuing all specialties at institutions of higher education in all branches of education (15 percent); b) institutions of higher education have integrated into their curricula and study programs the anticorruption topics as a mandatory study discipline / component of mandatory study disciplines (15 percent). |
30% | 0% | Ministry of Education and ScienceState Education Quality ServiceInstitutions of higher educationNational Agency | ||
3 | The poll results show that the share of young people (age bracket of 18 to 29 y.o.) with a negative attitude towards manifestations of corruption is at least 50 percent. | 15% | 15% | За результатами проведення І циклу поточної (щорічної) оцінки ефективності реалізації Антикорупційної стратегії на 2021-2025 роки та Державної антикорупційної програми на 2023-2025 роки встановлено, що індикатор 3 очікуваного стратегічного результату досягнуто повністю з огляду на те, що кількісний показник частки респондентів (у віковій групі - 18-29 років), яка негативно ставиться до к... -> | Results of the standard survey on corruption in Ukraine organized by the National Agency |