
2.5.3. The flawed system of state oversight and regulation in the construction sector fosters corrupt practices

General information about the problem

There are established corrupt practices in the fields of construction and project management in Ukraine. All specialists involved in the construction process (experts, architects, designers, technical supervision engineers, consulting engineers, authorized legal entities – controllers) should prevent both completely illegal construction and low-quality construction and abuse by the developer seeking to illegally increase the scale of construction. However, these very persons who are dependent on the developer often become part of the scheme, covering up certain violations, and drafting documents and issuing conclusions that are favorable for the developer, while violating the requirements of the law, building codes, and urban development documentation. This situation has arisen precisely because there is no effective mechanism for revoking the certificates of such persons. Despite high-profile scandals involving illegal construction, the implicated contractors are not held accountable, which allows them to continue their activities and commit violations.
For more than a decade, the problem of so-called defrauded investors has been one of the main issues in the construction sector, but no effective steps have been taken to address this problem directly over the years. All processes aimed at improving the legislation in the field of urban development involve making the process of obtaining permits in construction more transparent and public, prohibiting contacts with representatives of government agencies and local self-government bodies, etc. Attempts are also being made to create mechanisms for a transparent and safer procedure by which funds can be raised from individuals and legal entities as investments in construction (in particular, to prevent double sales and sales in a construction project without permits). However, the problems of defrauded investors do not end here. In particular, the law does not provide for proper financial control over financial intermediaries when buying a home. At the same time, there are unfortunate statistics on a large number of cases where construction financing fund managers cease to operate without fulfilling their obligations to investors, and there are no precedents where perpetrators have been prosecuted or the investors fully refunded. The issue of dishonest companies has not been resolved at all; it is quite easy to set up such a company, as well as to avoid liability for not finishing a construction project or not providing a refund. Individuals cannot be the factor that ensures proper control over the activities of managers; meanwhile, such control is nonexistent on the part of the state and the market. Also, the issue of exercising tighter control over the targeted and phased spending of funds, construction schedule slippage, or failure to meet the technical parameters of the construction project has not been resolved.
Significant corruption risks in the construction sector also lie in the failure to establish the mandatory verification of documentation submitted for obtaining permits, in particular, the mandatory verification of such documents prior to the issuance of a permit. In the absence of a direct obligation to verify the merits of documents, it is easy for an officer of the architectural and construction control and supervision authorities to overlook inconsistencies in documents and avoid liability for issuing a construction permit in violation of the requirements of the law, urban development documentation, and construction standards. However, in other cases this situation allows the officer to deny a permit due to non-compliance of the documents with the requirements of the law, urban development documentation, construction standards and to expect unjust enrichment for subsequent issuance of the permit. Given the time required to conduct an inspection (if ordered) and for the judicial examination, most unlawful permits remain unrevoked until the facility is put into operation. Post-permit inspections also carry a corruption component, as inspections are not ordered for every facility. This selectivity creates conditions for undue pressure on developers by threatening them with an inspection and its possible consequences, or helps unscrupulous developers by allowing them to give bribes and avoid an inspection (or have applications requesting an inspection to be recognized as unfounded) and keep the permit in force until the facility is put into operation.
In addition, this situation is not favor the stability of relations in the construction sector, as the construction project may already be built at the stage of revocation of the permit in court, so it is the investor, not the developer, who will be punished. The absence of a direct obligation to verify the merits of documents before issuing a permit and the absence of a mandatory follow-up inspection is a corruption component inherent in the legislation that creates opportunities for improper actions and opportunities for obtaining unjust enrichment.
Procedures for architectural and construction control and supervision contain a significant amount of discretionary powers, which is recognized by experts in this area as one of the biggest problems. The fact that an official has the right, but not the obligation, to act in a certain way (amending urban development conditions and restrictions, suspending/revoking the right to perform pre-construction and construction work, etc.) provides a legal landscape for abuse and artificial obstacles for the developer seeking to obtain documents. The use of "may" in the law gives the authority a choice of conduct: to exercise its right to suspend/revoke the permit in specific cases or not. Such an important issue for the developer as the ability to perform (continue) construction work, the resolution of which depends essentially only on the will of the official, creates an overly fertile turf for corruption. At the same time, there is no liability for failure to perform certain actions, because without a clearly established obligation, a person cannot be held liable (no obligation means no violation).
Another important aspect of state architectural and construction control is the market oversight of construction materials and products used in construction.
In order to reform and harmonize the legislative and regulatory framework of Ukraine with the European one, the Law of Ukraine On the Placement of Construction Products on the Market was adopted on September 2, 2020, which implements Regulation (EU) No. 305/2011 into national legislation and also provides for other essential amendments to the laws of Ukraine. This Law came into force on January 1, 2023. It is worth noting that the quality of these legislative amendments depends on how fully the entities covered by said Law master the terms, processes, and procedures of the new rules. Therefore, only practical application of laws will show how market supervision will work, since now it is up to market supervision to improve the safety of buildings and structures and the competitiveness of national producers in general.
A pressing issue in the construction sector is connection to utility networks. At present, there is no publicly available information on the availability of electricity, water, gas and sewerage networks, as well as their characteristics (length, capacity, reserve capacity, etc.). This information is not systematized in general. This allows network owners (monopolists) to provide technical conditions to developers for connecting construction projects at their own discretion. Information on the availability or absence of connections is available exclusively to the owner of the relevant networks and cannot be controlled. Similarly, although the connection fee is calculated on a formulaic basis, it is impossible to verify the accuracy of the initial data used for the calculation, which allows the monopolist to set the price at its own discretion. In addition, the hardcopy format of submission and processing of the documents for connection to networks, the need to submit separate applications for each type of network to connect one construction project complicates the interaction between network operators and consumers, leads to unnecessary contacts between applicants and officials and gives rise to attendant corruption risks. Insufficient transparency and certainty of such procedures puts an additional financial burden on customers and gives rise to corrupt practices, while the lack of reliable information on the actual state of the networks (available capacity) may lead to unreasonable requirements for the customer connection in the technical specifications for non-standard connection, which is not actually necessary.
There is a significant corruption risk in the allocation of funds from the State Fund for Regional Development. This is due to the completely non-transparent procedure for selecting and monitoring investment programs and projects implemented at the expense of the State Fund for Regional Development, the non-public application process, the non-public process of reviewing and selecting applications, the absence of committee specialists and experts who can properly evaluate projects and programs in the vast majority of cases, and the lack of a system for monitoring the implementation of regional development programs and projects. However, one of the biggest problems in this area is the politicization of the process, as at least 50 percent of the committee’s members are Parliament members, which calls into question the objectivity of the outcome of such selection. Given the non-public nature of the entire process and the chaotic timing of applications, the selection of projects and programs turns into a competition between committee members depending on their level of influence and political weight, rather than a professional selection of projects and programs based on their feasibility and potential.

Implementation of SACP measures within the limits of the problem

The total number of OSR – 7
All measures of the SACP
measures, the implementation of which as of 31.12.2024
is about to begin to be completed
1 2 1 13
Implemented In progress Not implemented Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 1 (5.9%)

Deadlines for all measures

01.03.2023 - 31.12.2025

Implementation of SACP measures within the scope of the Problem by main main performers

Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine


National Agency on Corruption Prevention


Achievement of ESR within the limits of the Problem

The total number of OSR – 7


Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Performance note % виконаних заходів (fully and partially)
1.1. ESR The mechanisms of non-governmental control over the construction of facilities have been improved through designer and technical supervision, independent engineering control, the involvement of accredited laboratories and inspection authorities, and tougher liability of the entities exercising such control Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law that defines the list of the most significant violations of legislative requirements, building codes, normative legal acts and/or regulations governing urban development, whose binding nature is established by legislation, for committing which (or allowing them happen) the providers of specific kinds of services (work) involving the creation of architectural properties face mandatory revocation of their qualification certificates for at least three years, in particular for: 1) exceeding the maximum permissible indicators outlined in urban development conditions and restrictions applicable to development of land plots, which includes: a) exceeding the maximum permissible parameters of the height of the property (in meters), particularly those specified in urban development documentation at the local level; b) exceeding the maximum permissible density of population within the residential development are of the relevant planning unit (block, neighborhood); c) designing a construction project that does not match the designated purpose of the land plot according to the Classification of the kinds of designated purpose of land plots, the kinds of functional purpose of territories, buildings, structures and relationships among them, as well as the rules for using the Classification to determine the categories of land and kinds of designated purpose of land plots, which can be established within the boundaries of the relevant functional zone; d) violation of other land management restrictions; 2) exceeding the maximum number of building stories; 3) understating the class of consequences (liability) of a property in design documentation for construction. Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
0% 0/ 2
1.2. Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine that approves the list of the most significant violations of legislative requirements, building codes, normative legal acts and/or regulations governing urban development, whose binding nature is established by legislation, for committing which (or allowing them happen) the providers of specific kinds of services (work) involving the creation of architectural properties face mandatory revocation of their qualification certificates, and, in particular: 1) establishes a clear, exhaustive, and substantiated list of gross (material) violations of legislative requirements, building codes, normative legal acts and/or regulations governing urban development, whose binding nature is established by legislation, for committing which the providers of specific kinds of services (work) involving the creation of architectural properties face mandatory revocation of their qualification certificates, pertaining to each kind of service providers (at least 200 material violations); 2) establishes a clear time frame for revocation of the qualification certificate for each gross violation. Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
2.1. ESR In order to protect investors’ rights, the procedures for investing and financing the construction of housing projects using private funds raised from individuals and legal entities have been improved by introducing clear mechanisms to ensure that funds are kept safe and used for their intended purpose Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law aimed at improving the operations of construction financing funds, which provides for the use of two methods of financial control of the developer — based on the schedule of housing construction and based on the proper spending of funds (funds should be advanced to the developer in accordance with the construction stages, and the developer should be financed by scanning transactions through the developer’s bank account) Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
0% 0/ 3
2.2. Preparing and publishing an analytical report on corruption risks associated with the process of investing and financing of construction of residential properties with the use of private funds raised from individuals or legal entities, particularly with respect to the presence of corruption risks in the operations of construction financing funds and real estate transactions funds National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
2.3. Discussing the conclusions and recommendations outlined in the analytical report indicated in subclause with the participation of representatives of government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, participants of international technical assistance projects, and the academic community National Agency on Corruption Prevention Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
3.2. ESR Mandatory verification of documentation submitted for the purposes of obtaining permits has been introduced and liability of an official for improper performance of duties in conducting such verification has been established; improvements have been made to legislation establishing criminal liability for offenses in the field of urban development Supporting the consideration of the draft law on amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of Ukraine pertaining to imposition of harsher liability in the urban development sector in the Parliament of Ukraine (particularly if the President of Ukraine vetoes the draft law), particularly the Draft Law of Ukraine On Amendments to the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses and the Criminal Code of Ukraine Pertaining to Imposition of Harsher Liability in the Urban Development Sector (registration number 5877 dated September 1, 2021), in the text of which (if adopted in its entirety) the concept of unauthorized construction has been aligned with Article 367 of the Civil Code of Ukraine Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
0% 0/ 1
4.1. ESR The discretionary powers of the architectural and construction control and oversight authorities have been eliminated by defining an exhaustive list of grounds for refusing to issue permits or for cancel permits, issuing improvement notices or imposing sanctions, and the authorities have been obligated to take action (make decisions) prescribed by law if the relevant grounds for doing so exist Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law defining the substance and scope of powers of architectural and construction control and oversight authorities, urban development and architecture authorities, which: 1) has eliminated all discretionary powers of the authorities; in particular, the right to act in a certain way has been substituted with the obligation to take measures in the event of a violation of legislation, measures towards putting an end to illegal activities and holding violators accountable; this includes the obligation to not only act in a certain way by making decisions prescribed by law (issuing improvement notices, directives, or resolutions, filing a lawsuit, etc.) but also to oversee compliance with the decisions made / measures implemented; 2) provides for a clear list of documents needed for the provision of each kind of service (both for permits and documents of informative or declarative nature), the list of possible actions (responses) of the authorities after receiving an application (approving, denying, returning for revision, revoking, etc.), a clear list of grounds for approval (registration, issuance of a permit), denial of issuance of a document, return of the application for revision, as well as clear grounds and violations in response to which an improvement notice must be issued or sanctions imposed. Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
0% 0/ 1
5.1. ESR The problem of massive counterfeiting of construction materials has been solved by implementing the provisions of EU Regulation No. 305/2011 establishing harmonized conditions for the placing on the market of construction products Taking measures to prevent the postponement of the effective date of the Law of Ukraine On the Placement of Construction Products on the Market (if needed) Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
100% 6/ 6
5.2. Monitoring the draft laws proposing amendments to the Law of Ukraine On the Placement of Construction Products on the Market pertaining to the abolishment or narrowing down of the sphere of application of mandatory declaration of product indicators Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
5.3. Preparing proposals regarding approval with reservations / rejection of the draft laws containing the provisions indicated in subclause Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
5.4. Preparing critical comments and proposals, positions regarding the rejection of the draft laws indicated in subclause Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
5.5. Supporting the consideration of the draft laws indicated in subclause by committees of the Parliament of Ukraine Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
5.6. Preparing proposals regarding the expediency of the exercise of the president’s veto right with respect to the laws indicated in subclause, which have been passed by the Parliament of Ukraine Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
6.1. ESR Easy and quick access to utility and transportation infrastructure has been ensured Supporting the consideration of the Draft Law of Ukraine On Amendments to Select Legislative Acts of Ukraine Pertaining to the Resolution of Specific Issues of Connection to Utility Networks (registration number 5183 dated March 2, 2021) in the Parliament of Ukraine (particularly if the President of Ukraine vetoes the draft law) Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
0% 0/ 2
6.2. Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing amendments to select legislative acts of Ukraine pertaining to the resolution of specific issues of connection to utility networks, which: 1) implemented the “one-stop” procedure for providing services involving connection to networks of all entities that are natural monopolies (supply and distribution of electricity and natural gas, heat supply, centralized hot water supply, centralized water supply and centralized wastewater disposal) in order to minimize interactions between the client and entities that are natural monopolies; 2) establishes a unified procedure for connecting to utility networks and unified approaches to determining the connection fee (the same price for the service involving connection to utility networks of the same kind is established within the same territorial community); 3) identified the procedure for inventory of engineering networks, which simultaneously performs uploading of Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level for further development and update of urban planning documentation; 4) implemented indication of data on engineering networks in Urban planning cadaster on the state’s level, enterprises’ geographic information systems (besides restricted information). Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Implementation of the measure was started late In progress
7.1. ESR The implementation of a transparent information system for the administration of the State Fund for Regional Development, which reflects the performance of projects and their alignment with regional development strategies, has been finalized Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to amend the Budget Code of Ukraine, specifically Article 241, by: 1) providing for electronic document management at the regional development fund, specifically exclusively electronic submission of applications (programs and projects); 2) formulating the requirements and criteria for selection of candidates for regional competitive selection committees; 3) introducing a mechanism for involvement of independent experts in the evaluation of projects on conditions of their remuneration for their services; 4) excluding members of the Ukrainian Parliament Budget Committee from the program and project evaluation and selection committee, and stipulating that people’s representatives of any level cannot serve as members of the committee. Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Not started
0% 0/ 2
7.2. Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine that proposes amendments to the Procedure for Preparing, Evaluating, and Selecting Investment Programs and Projects of Regional Development that Can Be Implemented Using Funds from the State Fund for Regional Development, approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated March 18, 2015, No. 196, which are synchronized with the digital system for managing the rebuilding of the transport infrastructure and provide for: 1) the procedure of electronic document management at the regional development fund, specifically exclusively electronic submission of applications (programs and projects); 2) a new procedure for appointing the members of committee, which may not include people’s representatives of any level, but must include independent experts to evaluate projects on conditions of their remuneration for their services; 3) creating registers of statements of work (“technical assignments”) for regional development projects from the current plan of measures towards implementation of the regional development strategy; 4) submitting a project to the electronic portal, cross-referenced to statements of work from the plan of measures towards implementation of the regional development strategy; 5) updated criteria of project evaluation, specifically evaluation of the degree to which the project has achieved quantitative and qualitative benchmarks indicated in the statement of work; 6) definition of the procedure for evaluation and monitoring of the effectiveness of implementation of projects and programs based on their achievement of goals of regional development strategies. Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine Not started

Key sources on the state of the problem:

Assessment of the situation by international monitoring mechanisms and organizations: