Expected strategic result An audit of the current status of implementation of electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource has been conducted; the key methods used to bypass their restrictions have been identified; implementation of electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource has been completed, taking into account the findings of the audit (electronic workspace of the user, Prozorro.Sale electronic auctions)
Measures — 20 Arranging an analytical study of normative legal acts that have instituted electronic auctions and the system for accessing a limited public resource as regards their actual implementation and functional capabilities, particularly in matters of access to natural resources
The main implementer: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine Holding a presentation of the report on the findings of the analytical study indicated in subclause, followed by its expert discussion
The main implementer: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine Arranging an analytical study of the completed electronic auctions for access to a limited public resource, which should determine the current status of implementation of such electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource, and the methods used to bypass their restrictions (sale through the e-commerce system Prozorro.Sale)
The main implementer: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine Holding a presentation of the report on the findings of the analytical study indicated in subclause, followed by its expert discussion
The main implementer: Ministry of Economy of Ukraine (5). Developing and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine draft acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the implementation of electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource on a permanent basis, taking into account the findings of analytical studies
The main implementer: State Agency of Ukraine for the Development of Melioration, Fisheries and Food Programs (4). Developing and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine draft acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the implementation of electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource on a permanent basis, taking into account the findings of analytical studies
The main implementer: State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine (3). Developing and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine draft acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the implementation of electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource on a permanent basis, taking into account the findings of analytical studies
The main implementer: State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine (2). Developing and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine draft acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the implementation of electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource on a permanent basis, taking into account the findings of analytical studies
The main implementer: Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (1). Developing and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine draft acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on the implementation of electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource on a permanent basis, taking into account the findings of analytical studies
The main implementer: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine (1). Implementing electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource on a permanent basis and fully
The main implementer: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine (2). Implementing electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource on a permanent basis and fully
The main implementer: State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine (3). Implementing electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource on a permanent basis and fully
The main implementer: State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine (4). Implementing electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource on a permanent basis and fully
The main implementer: Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (5). Implementing electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource on a permanent basis and fully
The main implementer: State Agency of Ukraine for the Development of Melioration, Fisheries and Food Programs (1). Opening access to current information about natural resources.
The main implementer: Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of Ukraine (2). Opening access to current information about natural resources.
The main implementer: Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (3). Opening access to current information about natural resources.
The main implementer: State Forest Resources Agency of Ukraine (4). Opening access to current information about natural resources.
The main implementer: State Agency of Water Resources of Ukraine (5). Opening access to current information about natural resources.
The main implementer: State Service of Geology and Mineral Resources of Ukraine (6). Opening access to current information about natural resources.
The main implementer: State Agency of Ukraine for the Development of Melioration, Fisheries and Food Programs
Indicators — 4
Reports on the findings of analytical studies have been prepared, which describe:
a) the status of actual implementation of normative legal acts that have introduced electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource and their functionality (5 percent);
b) the current status of implementation of electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource and methods of bypassing their restrictions (sale through Prozorro.Sales electronic trading system) (10 percent).
Enactment of normative legal acts on the implementation of electronic auctions and systems for accessing a limited public resource on a permanent basis with respect to all kinds of limited public resources, which grant business entities nondiscriminatory and equal access to a limited public resource on transparent and open conditions.
Electronic auctions and IT systems for accessing a limited public resource have been introduced on a permanent basis, are fully functional and operating through Prozorro.Sale platforms or other IT systems of the state.
Access has been granted to current information about a limited public resource (accessibility of information about the quantity and volume has been ensured):
a) available limited public resources (10 percent);
b) resources made available to business entities for use / transferred into their ownership (5 percent);
c) resources that can made available to business entities for use / transferred into their ownership in the future, particularly as regards leasing of hydraulic structures (5 percent).