Direction: 1.2. Instilling a negative attitude towards corruption

Progress in the implementation of measures as of 12.02.2025
measures, the implementation of which as of 30.09.2024
27 15 10 12
Implemented In progress Not implemented Not started
Measures implemented (fully and partially) - 27 ( 42.2%)
Name of the ESR Name of the measure The main implementer Monitoring results (latest) Status % of measures implemented (fully and partially) Evaluation of achievement of ESR Середній рівень ОСР
Direction 1.2. Instilling a negative attitude towards corruption
42.2% 27 / 64
Problem 1.2.1. Everyday corrupt practices are an established norm of conduct and are not perceived as violations of moral or legal norms. There is no consistent demand from the population for public officials to uphold the prescribed rules of ethical conduct and integrity
42.1% 24 / 57
1.1 ОСР The overall level of tolerance of corruption in Ukraine has decreased owing to the integration of anticorruption topics into educational curricula at all levels, which includes instilling in society a stable perception of corruption as a phenomenon that significantly slows down the socioeconomic development of the country, of corrupt officials as persons who make public administration ineffective, and the realization that dishonest practices, even when they look like a convenient opportunity to solve their issues in the short term, are always disadvantageous for individuals and society in the medium and long term Supplementing the State Standard of Vocational Secondary Education: a) with a list of value orientations aimed at instilling intolerance of corruption and manifestations of dishonesty; b) with a list of tasks essential to acquiring civic and social competencies as part of instilling intolerance of corruption in all of its manifestations, an understanding of the inadmissibility of tolerating inequality and dishonesty, as well as the readiness to abandon unscrupulous practices when solving problems Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
64.7% 11 / 17
1.2 Supplementing the objective of the “Civic Accountability” cross-cutting content thread with concepts essential to instilling intolerance of corruption and adherence to integrity strategies Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.3 Developing educational and methodological materials to be used to accomplish the objective of the “Civic Accountability” cross-cutting content thread in terms of instilling in the context of corruption and adherence to integrity strategies (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.4 Submitting documents to obtain the stamp of approval for use in the educational process for the educational and methodological handbook on instilling intolerance of corruption and adherence to integrity strategies National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
1.5 Developing recommendations on the implementation of the “Civic Accountability” cross-cutting content thread in the educational process to the extent of instilling intolerance of corruption and adherence to integrity strategies Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.6 Developing the curriculum and the educational and methodological handbook of the optional course on the prevention of corruption and social integrity for the 9th grade (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.7 Submitting documents to obtain the stamp of approval for use in the educational process for the curriculum and the educational and methodological handbook of the optional course on the prevention of corruption and social integrity for the 9th grade National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.12 Developing educational and methodological materials on anticorruption topics (anticorruption and integrity) for students pursuing professional (vocational) education, focusing on the development of cross-cutting civic and social competencies (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity). National Agency on Corruption Prevention Implementation of the measure has started on time In progress
1.13 Designation by the Ministry of Education and Science of anticorruption topics (anticorruption and integrity) as a mandatory component of state standards of professional (vocation) education (as a separate educational component or a cross-cutting component within other components) National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
1.14 Updating the curricula of professional (vocational) education to incorporate the anticorruption topics (anticorruption and integrity) as a mandatory component (as a separate educational component or a cross-cutting component within other components). Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Not started
1.15 Developing educational and methodological materials on anticorruption topics (anticorruption, social and academic integrity) for first-year students pursuing a higher education (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.16 Developing amendments to the Procedural Recommendations on the Development of Standards of Higher Education, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science dated June 1, 2016, No. 600, which would supplement the list of mandatory general competencies for the academic degree of a bachelor with the competency defined as intolerance of corruption in all of its manifestations, an understanding of the inadmissibility of tolerating inequality and dishonesty Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.17 Conducting a public discussion of the draft order indicated in subclause Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
1.18 Revising (if needed) and issuing the order indicated in subclause Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.19 Developing amendments to standards of higher education, approved by orders of the Ministry of Education and Science, taking into account the amendments to the Procedural Recommendations indicated in subclause Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
1.20 Conducting a public discussion of the draft order indicated in subclause Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
1.21 Revising (if needed) and issuing the order indicated in subclause Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
2.1 ОСР The overall level of tolerance of corruption in Ukraine has decreased owing to the creation of favorable conditions for professional development of educators and people working with the public, in particular in matters of academic integrity and instilling an attitude of intolerance of corruption in all its manifestations among students Adapting courses devoted to anticorruption topics (anticorruption, social and academic integrity) and incorporating them into available professional development programs for educators (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
31.3% 5 / 16
2.2 Issuing a recommendation for educators to regularly complete professional development training in anticorruption topics (anticorruption, social and academic integrity) Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
2.3 Developing the study discipline “Integrity and Anticorruption for Educators” designed for all students pursuing specialties in the academic branch 01 “Education” (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
2.4 Amending the standards of higher education for all specialties in the academic branch 01 “Education/Pedagogics” for the higher education academic degree of a bachelor in terms of the normative substance of training for students pursuing a higher education: “Know the fundamentals of anticorruption, social and academic integrity at a level necessary to instill intolerance of corruption and manifestations of dishonest conduct among students pursuing education, and be able to apply them in professional work” Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
2.5 Developing recommendations on how to ensure transparency and integrity in the work of institutions of general secondary education (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
2.6 Approving recommendations for institutions of general secondary education via a directive of the Ministry of Education and Science, specifying the deadline for their integration into the processes of institutions of general secondary education Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
2.7 Submitting an information message with recommendations, indicated in subclause, to local government bodies responsible for education area, other central executive bodies managing educational establishments Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
2.8 Gathering and consolidating data on the implementation of recommendations by institutions of general secondary education, once every six months State Education Quality Service of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
2.9 Developing recommendations on how to increase the level of transparency and integrity in the work of institutions of professional (vocational) education (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
2.10 Approving recommendations for institutions of professional (vocational) education via a directive of the Ministry of Education and Science, specifying the deadline for their integration into the processes of institutions of professional (vocational) education Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Not started
2.11 Integrating the recommendations indicated in subclause in normative documents, charters, guidelines, and orders Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine Not started
2.12 Gathering and consolidating data on the implementation of recommendations by institutions of professional (vocational) education, once every six months State Education Quality Service of Ukraine Not started
2.13 Developing recommendations on how to increase the level of transparency and integrity in the work of institutions of higher education (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
2.14 Approving recommendations for institutions of higher education via a directive of the Ministry of Education and Science, specifying the deadline for their integration into the processes of institutions of higher education Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
2.15 Integrating the recommendations indicated in subclause in normative documents, charters, guidelines, and orders Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
2.16 Gathering and consolidating data on the implementation of recommendations by institutions of higher education, once every six months State Education Quality Service of Ukraine Not started
3.1 ОСР The overall level of tolerance of corruption in Ukraine has decreased owing to the dissemination of information to the public about the negative consequences of corruption and corruption-related offenses (for society and the state, as well as for the perpetrators of such offenses), as well as about the importance of ensuring public control over the activities of executive authorities and local self-government bodies Developing and disseminating communications and awareness raising materials that shed light on the detrimental effects of corruption and the importance of abiding by integrity strategies (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in the implementation of this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
25% 1 / 4
3.2 Developing and disseminating communications and awareness raising materials covering the role of citizens in anticorruption efforts and the opportunities for public oversight over the activities of executive government agencies and local self-government bodies (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
3.3 Preparing a communications and awareness raising campaign devoted to the importance of public oversight over the activities of executive government agencies and local self-government bodies (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
3.4 Conducting a communications and awareness raising campaign devoted to the importance of public oversight over the activities of executive government agencies and local self-government bodies (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
4.1 ОСР The overall level of tolerance of corruption in Ukraine has decreased owing to the implementation of comprehensive measures aimed at instilling in public servants a perception of themselves as people serving the interests of the Ukrainian nation, as well as public trust in public servants as the key reason of why they hold their office Developing an online course on the general provisions of anticorruption legislation for civil servants National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
77.8% 7 / 9
4.2 Developing an online course on the particularities of anticorruption legislation for representatives of local self-government bodies (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
4.3 Developing an online course devoted to the particularities of anticorruption legislation for judges National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
4.4 Developing an online course devoted to the particularities of anticorruption legislation for representatives of the law enforcement sector National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
4.5 Developing an online course devoted to the particularities of anticorruption legislation for parliament members National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
4.6 Developing an online course devoted to the functioning of government agencies and local self-government bodies and their interaction with various social groups (businesses, the public, etc.) (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
4.7 Conducting systemic training of civil servants and local self-government officials on anticorruption topics (anticorruption, standards of integrity and ethical conduct) in civil service and service at local self-government bodies National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
4.8 Ensuring the development of a model general professional (certification) program of professional development for civil servants and officials of local self-government bodies with a focus on anticorruption topics (anticorruption, standards of integrity and ethical conduct) National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
4.9 Systemically staging communications and awareness raising events devoted to the issues of integrity in civil service, the role of civil servants, the functioning of the state apparatus, interactions with citizens and businesses, etc. (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
5.1 ОСР The overall level of tolerance of corruption in Ukraine has decreased owing to the establishment of the culture of the rule of law, an atmosphere of integrity and intolerance of corruption in society, including through public service advertising. Developing and disseminating communications and awareness raising materials devoted to the functioning of government agencies and local self-government bodies and the rule of law (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in the implementation of this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
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5.2 Developing and disseminating communications and awareness raising materials that shed light on the detrimental effects of corruption and the importance of abiding by integrity strategies (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in the implementation of this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
5.3 Conducting communications and awareness raising campaigns devoted to popularizing integrity strategies (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
6.1 ОСР The level of awareness of citizens who realize the importance of standards of integrity and ethical conduct of public servants has increased owing to active and systematic communications, awareness-raising and training activities integrated into formal and informal education Developing and disseminating communications and awareness raising materials that explain the workings of the state and public institutions, the rights and duties of citizens, and where citizens should go to defend their rights and interests (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
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6.2 Developing and disseminating communications and awareness raising materials devoted to standards of integrity and ethical conduct of civil servants, explaining what citizens should do when such civil servants violate those standards (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
6.3 Developing and disseminating communications and awareness raising materials devoted to the role of elections in a democratic society, the importance of voting, and the monitoring of the conduct of elected officials (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in the implementation of this activity) The Central Election Commission of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
6.4 Ensuring regular communications and awareness raising events devoted to the role of elections in a democratic society, the importance of voting, and the monitoring of the conduct of elected officials (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in the implementation of this activity) The Central Election Commission of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
6.5 Ensuring the development of a communications and awareness raising campaign devoted to the role of elections in a democratic society, the importance of voting (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in the implementation of this activity) The Central Election Commission of Ukraine There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
6.6 Conducting the communications and awareness raising campaign devoted to the role of elections in a democratic society, the importance of voting (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in the realisation of this activity) The Central Election Commission of Ukraine Implementation of the measure has not started Not started
6.7 Developing educational and methodological materials with elements of simulation and gamification devoted to the role of elections in a democratic society, the importance of voting, the activities of school self-government and parliament, for extracurricular classes as part of the educational process at institutions of general secondary and vocational secondary education (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
6.8 Developing educational and methodological materials with elements of simulation and gamification devoted to policy making and interactions between civil servants and stakeholders, for extracurricular classes as part of the educational process at institutions of vocational secondary education (with the possible involvement of NGOs and international technical assistance projects in this activity) National Agency on Corruption Prevention Not started
Problem 1.2.2. The lack of objective coverage of the situation with preventing and combating corruption in Ukraine leads to a distorted public perception of the causes of corruption, its level, and the effectiveness of anticorruption institutions.
42.9% 3 / 7
1.1 ОСР The Anticorruption Communications Strategy has been updated; its content is being regularly updated taking into account the analysis of the effectiveness of previous communications campaigns; a proper organizational and financial foundation has been provided for coordinated efforts towards its implementation Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft act approving the Anticorruption Communications Strategy up to 2025 National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
100% 2 / 2
1.2 Establishing a media center at the National Agency National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was not implemented on time and in full Implemented
2.1 ОСР Citizens have full and objective information about corruption in Ukraine, its causes, status and dynamics, the system of anticorruption institutions, division of powers among them, as well as the effectiveness of various state bodies in preventing and combating corruption, the possibility and ways of interaction between citizens and anticorruption institutions in terms of reporting corruption and exercising public control Analysis by the National Agency and the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of the most common disinformation narratives relating to anticorruption efforts in Ukraine, publication of the analysis findings on the official websites of the National Agency, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, and the Center for Countering Disinformation, and making this analysis a common practice National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure was implemented on time and in full Implemented
20% 1 / 5
2.2 Creation and dissemination by the National Agency and the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of narratives relating to anticorruption efforts in Ukraine among organizational units of the central executive authorities in charge of communication National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
2.3 Tracking narratives relating to anticorruption efforts in the media space and appropriately responding to disinformation National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress
2.4 Ensuring the development of a communications campaign focusing on the role of the central executive authorities and local self-government bodies in anticorruption efforts: 1) analyzing sources of information to gage the public opinion on the anticorruption authorities; 2) developing a general plan of the communications campaign based on the information gathered. National Agency on Corruption Prevention The measure has not been implemented Not implemented
2.5 Launching the communications campaign focusing on the role of the central executive authorities and local self-government bodies in anticorruption efforts National Agency on Corruption Prevention There is progress in the implementation of the measure In progress