Direction 2.4.
Public and private sectors of the economy
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Problem 2.4.1.
The existing governance model at public sector entities is ineffective, resulting in losses and corruption
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The principles of state ownership policy approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine are periodically updated and consistently implemented in practice by entities that perform the functions of the owner of public sector entities Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law that proposes to provide for:
1) the adoption of the State Ownership Policy by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine;
2) the development and adoption of individual ownership policies at state-owned enterprises;
3) the requirements for the contents of the relevant ownership policies (in particular, they must outline the objectives of state ownership, the key tasks of state-owned companies, and principal kinds of business, and performance indicators).
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time, but partially
Partially implemented
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низький рівень
1.2 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft State Ownership Policy
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
1.3 Preparing drafts of individual ownership policies for at least 15 of the largest (in terms of the cumulative value of assets) enterprises under state ownership, which are of strategic importance for the national economy and security
Authorized management bodies
Not started
1.4 Holding consultations with stakeholders regarding the drafts of individual ownership policies indicated in subclause, obtaining expert opinions
Authorized management bodies
Not started
1.5 Revising the drafts of individual ownership policies indicated in subclause (if needed), approving and making them public
Authorized management bodies
Not started
The functions of the owner, the regulator, and the agency shaping the policy applicable to business entities in the public sector of the economy have been segregated Preparing an analytical report containing analysis of:
1) international standards and best practices in matters of segregation of the functions of the owner, the regulator, and the agency shaping the policy applicable to business entities in the public sector of the economy;
2) the relevant international experience in matters of segregation of the functions of the owner, the regulator, and the agency shaping the policy applicable to business entities in the public sector of the economy;
3) the national context of the operations of business entities in the public sector of the economy and segregation of the functions of the owner, the regulator, and the agency shaping the policy applicable to business entities in the public sector of the economy;
4) the feasibility and expediency of creating a centralized body for coordination of ownership;
5) the operating principles of the administration of the centralized ownership coordination authority, particularly as a way to prevent it from being subjected to political influence (if creating the administration of the centralized ownership coordination authority has been found to be expedient)
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
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2.2 Discussing the report indicated in subclause with the participation of representatives of government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, participants of international technical assistance projects, and the academic community
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
2.3 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to segregate the functions of the owner, the regulator, and the policymaking agency with respect to business entities in the public sector of the economy, taking into account the outcomes of the activities indicated in subclauses and
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Implementation of the measure has started on time
In progress
An annual independent audit of public sector entities of strategic importance for the economy and security of the state was introduced; the criteria for mandatory independent audit and the establishment of supervisory boards in public sector entities, including taking into account the level of corruption risks and the level of corruption in the sector, are periodically reviewed Preparing a periodic analytical report (within the 1st quarter of the year in which this report is to be prepared) on the substantiated definition of the criteria for mandatory formation of independent supervisory boards at state-owned enterprises and conducting an independent audit of such enterprises (if the independent audit is not mandated for all state-owned enterprises without exception)
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Implementation of the measure has started on time
In progress
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низький рівень
3.5 Discussing the report (within the 2nd quarter of the year in which the report was prepared) indicated in subclause with the participation of representatives of government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, participants of international technical assistance projects, and the academic community
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Not started
At all business entities for which the establishment of supervisory boards is mandatory, such boards are empowered to control the implementation of internal anticorruption measures. Supervisory boards are formed in a competitive and transparent manner Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law that:
1) defines a competitive and transparent procedure for forming supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises;
2) defines requirements for independent members of supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises;
3) defines the functional duties of members of supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises;
4) provides for the need to develop a methodology for defining clear and transparent performance indicators for supervisory boards of state-owned enterprises;
5) defines an exhaustive list of grounds for termination of the powers of members of supervisory boards at state-owned enterprises, and their liability for improper discharge of their duties.
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure was implemented late and partially
Partially implemented
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низький рівень
4.2 Forming supervisory boards at state-owned enterprises for which the creation of supervisory boards is mandated
State authorities — subjects of management of state-owned objects
Implementation of the measure has not started
Not started
Corporate governance standards have been introduced at public sector entities that are of strategic importance for the national economy and security or have the highest level of corruption risks, or are among the most important business entities in the defense industry (in particular, the right to terminate the contract with managers who violate anticorruption legislation or rules of ethical conduct has been established) Preparing an analytical report on the strategic assessment of corruption risks in the operations of a state-owned enterprise and identification of enterprises with the highest levels of corruption risks
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
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низький рівень
5.2 Discussing the report indicated in subclause with the participation of representatives of government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, participants of international technical assistance projects, and the academic community
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
5.3 Preparing an analytical report outlining the list of state-owned enterprises of strategic importance for the nation’s economy and security or those with the highest level of corruption risks or enterprises that are the most critical business entities in the defense industry
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
5.4 Discussing the report indicated in subclause with the participation of representatives of government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, participants of international technical assistance projects, and the academic community
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
5.5 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft action plan to align the corporate governance system of business entities identified following the activities indicated in subclauses— with corporate governance standards of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (hereinafter “the OECD”), which provides for, inter alia, the competitive selection of managers, heads of executive authorities, and members of supervisory boards of entities in the public sector of the economy, which has been suspended due to the institution of martial law, for the period beginning with 2023
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Not started
5.6 Preparing the annual report (within the 1st quarter of the year) on the progress made in implementing the action plan to align the corporate governance system of specific business entities with corporate governance standards of the OECD (including for the period of 2021 and 2022), which should include recommendations on revising the aforementioned action plan (if needed)Preparing the annual report (within the 1st quarter of the year) on the progress made in implementing the action plan to align the corporate governance system of specific business entities with corporate governance standards of the OECD (including for the period of 2021 and 2022), which should include recommendations on revising the aforementioned action plan (if needed)
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
Implementation of the measure has not started
Not started
5.7 Preparing the legal framework that would provide for the possibility of early termination of contracts with managers exercising the powers of a one-person executive body, or with members of a collective executive body of state-owned enterprises of strategic importance for the nation’s economy and security or those with the highest level of corruption risks or enterprises that are the most critical business entities in the defense industry, if such individuals have committed gross violations of the requirements of anticorruption legislation or the code of ethics
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time, but partially
Partially implemented
5.8 Amending the existing contracts with managers exercising the powers of a one-person executive body, or with members of a collective executive body of state-owned enterprises of strategic importance for the nation’s economy and security or those with the highest level of corruption risks or enterprises that are the most critical business entities in the defense industry on possibility of early termination of the contract, if such individuals have committed gross violations of the requirements of anticorruption legislation or the code of ethics
State authorities — subjects of management of state-owned objects
Not started
A system of internal control and risk management has been introduced at public sector entities Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to:
1) define the requirements for the implementation of an internal control system at state-owned enterprises, which includes the functions of compliance, risk management, and internal audit (“three lines of defense” model);
2) balance the internal control system with the implementation of anticorruption programs, including corruption risk management;
3) define the powers of the supervisory board to exercise control over the functioning of the internal control system (at enterprises where audit committees have been formed pursuant to the Law of Ukraine On Audit of Financial Statements and Audit Practice), which includes implementing internal anticorruption measures
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
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6.2 Implementing an internal control and risk management system at state-owned enterprises
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
Problem 2.4.2.
Insufficient transparency of privatization procedures and failure by buyers to comply with the terms of the sale of the privatized asset
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Instruments have been put in place to prevent the negative impact of privatization authorities and organizers of privatization auctions on the number of bidders and competition. Supporting the consideration in the Parliament of Ukraine (particularly if the President of Ukraine vetoes the draft law) of the draft law on the list of facilities under state ownership that are ineligible for privatization (registration number 4020 dated September 2, 2020), which defines the list of facilities under state ownership that are ineligible for privatization
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
There is no progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
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середній рівень
1.2 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on approval of the Procedure for Holding Electronic Auctions to Sell Assets of Major Privatization and Choosing the Winning Bidder Based on the Outcome of the Electronic Auction
State Property Fund of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
The most common problems encountered in the performance by buyers of the mandatory conditions of the sale and/or operation of a privatized asset have been assessed; the findings of this assessment have been factored into the practices of privatization authorities Preparing an analytical report on the most common problems encountered in the performance by buyers of the mandatory conditions of the sale and/or operation of a privatized asset
State Property Fund of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
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середній рівень
2.2 Discussing the report indicated in subclause with the participation of representatives of government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, participants of international technical assistance projects, and the academic community
State Property Fund of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
2.3 Eliminating the most common problems encountered in the performance by buyers of the mandatory conditions of the sale and/or operation of a privatized asset
State Property Fund of Ukraine
Implementation of the measure has started on time
In progress
Small-scale privatization or lease of state and municipal property is carried out using the electronic system Prozorro.Sale and in compliance with the principles of fair competition Preparing an analytical report on the causes of low competition during state or municipal property lease auctions
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
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середній рівень
3.2 Discussing the report indicated in subclause with the participation of representatives of government agencies, NGOs, international organizations, participants of international technical assistance projects, and the academic community
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
3.3 Eliminating the discovered causes of low competition during state or municipal property lease auctions
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
There is no progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
3.4 Developing and approving the procedure of data exchange between the Prozorro.Sale electronic system and the online platform for managing rent of state property with respect to property that has been or is being rented out
State Property Fund of Ukraine
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
3.5 Ensuring data exchange and interoperability between the Prozorro.Sale electronic system and the online platform for managing rent of state property with respect to property that has been or is being rented out
State Property Fund of Ukraine
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
Problem 2.4.3.
The insufficient scope of publicly available information about business entities in which the state has an ownership stake significantly reduces the transparency of their activities, complicates public control and fosters corruption.
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On the basis of the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties, a register of state and municipal unitary enterprises, as well as business companies in which more than 50 percent of the authorized capital stock (equity) belongs to the state or a territorial community, has been created and populated with data, with mandatory publication of information on the activities of such legal entities in accordance with international standards, including information on government aid received Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to improve the functioning of the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties and provide for the creation of an information resource based on the relevant register, which would publicize information about enterprises under state and municipal ownership, particularly by:
1) defining the mechanism of cooperation between the participants involved in the process of forming the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties;
2) defining a clear procedure of periodic submission of information by managed entities to the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties, as well as the procedure by which they shall submit information following changes affecting state-owned properties;
3) providing for the mandatory annual publication of aggregated reports on the 100 largest state-owned enterprises;
4) defining the scope of publication of information about the operations of state-owned enterprises in accordance with the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises;
5) defining the criteria based on which centralized submission of information to the information resource designed for publication of data on enterprises under state and municipal ownership is mandatory for enterprises under municipal ownership;
6) defining the scope of publication of information about the operations of enterprises under municipal ownership in accordance with the OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance in State-Owned Enterprises;
7) providing for the publication of information about government aid received by enterprises under state ownership and enterprises under municipal ownership;
8) instituting effective, proportional, and deterrent sanctions for failure to comply with the requirements with respect to submission and disclosure of legislatively mandated information about the operations of a state-owned enterprise and a municipally-owned enterprise, for incompleteness or inaccuracy of such information, or for failing to comply with the requirements with respect to the format of its submission and disclosure.
State Property Fund of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time, but partially
Partially implemented
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1.2 (1) (1) Drafting normative legal acts (amendments to normative legal acts) aimed at the implementation of the provisions of the law indicated in subclause
State Property Fund of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
1.2 (2) (2) Drafting normative legal acts (amendments to normative legal acts) aimed at the implementation of the provisions of the law indicated in subclause
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
1.3 (1) (1) Holding a public discussion of the draft normative legal acts indicated in subclause, and ensuring their revision (if needed)
State Property Fund of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
1.3 (2) (2) Holding a public discussion of the draft normative legal acts indicated in subclause, and ensuring their revision (if needed)
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
1.4 (1) (1) Adopting the normative legal acts indicated in subclause and, as appropriate, performing their state registration or submitting them to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
State Property Fund of Ukraine
The measure was implemented late and partially
Partially implemented
1.4 (2) (2) Adopting the normative legal acts indicated in subclause and, as appropriate, performing their state registration or submitting them to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
1.5 Holding trainings on the application of the provisions enacted upon the entry into force of the law indicated in subclause
State Property Fund of Ukraine
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
1.6 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft normative legal act approving the new version of the Regulation on the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties as well as the information resource for publishing information about state-owned enterprises and municipally-owned enterprises, which is a component of the relevant register
State Property Fund of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time, but partially
Partially implemented
1.7 Developing software and configuring hardware required for updating of the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties, including the information resource for publishing information about state-owned enterprises and municipally-owned enterprises
State Property Fund of Ukraine
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
1.9 Ensuring integration or data exchange and interoperability between the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties, including the information resource for publishing information about state-owned enterprises and municipally-owned enterprises, and the Best Zvit Oracle automated electronic document exchange system
State Property Fund of Ukraine
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
1.10 Ensuring data exchange and interoperability between the Unified Register of State-Owned Properties, including the information resource for publishing information about state-owned enterprises and municipally-owned enterprises, and the register of government aid for business entities
State Property Fund of Ukraine
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
Problem 2.4.4.
A high level of tolerance of corruption in the private sector of the economy
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Legislation has been amended to introduce incentives for the private sector to improve business integrity Arranging an analytical study to determine the feasibility of amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and other laws to integrate the recommendations of the OECD:
1) expanding the grounds for imposition of criminal penalties on legal entities to include crimes of corruption committed not only by an authorized representative for and on behalf of the legal entity, but also by the ultimate beneficial owner (controller), a lower-level employee of the legal entity, and third parties;
2) providing for such a kind of a remedy under criminal law as restricting a legal entity from engaging a certain kind of activity (including by revoking a previously issued permit and/or license);
3) providing for such a kind of a remedy under criminal law as imposing a compliance obligation on a legal entity, and compiling the list of such obligations;
4) allowing the court to exempt a legal entity from penalties under criminal law or mitigate the penalty imposed on the legal entity if the court has found that the compliance rules, mechanisms of internal control, and anticorruption program in place at the legal entity are effective, or that sufficient efforts were made to prevent the commission of the crime of corruption;
5) granting the court powers to impose specific obligations on a legal entity, so that when such obligations are performed the legal entity will not be criminally prosecuted;
6) providing for the possibility of legal entities entering into an agreement on deferral of judicial prosecution;
7) setting forth the requirements for the agreement on deferral of judicial prosecution.
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was implemented on time and in full
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1.2 Holding a presentation of the report on the findings of the analytical study indicated in subclause, followed by its expert discussion, transfer of the report to the working group created in accordance with the order of the President of Ukraine as of July 28, 2022, No.539
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was implemented late and partially
Partially implemented
1.3 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft laws proposing amendments to the Criminal Code and the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine as well as other laws of Ukraine that would integrate the OECD recommendations based on the findings of the analytical study indicated in subclause
The working group formed in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated July 28, 2022 No. 539/2022
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
1.4 Analyzing the provisions of the OECD Council Recommendation for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions [C(2009)159/REV1/FINAL] and identifying gaps in Ukrainian legislation, which need to be filled in accordance with said Recommendation
National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine
The measure has not been implemented
Not implemented
1.5 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to amend legislation with a view to its approximation to the provisions of the OECD Council Recommendation for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions [C(2009)159/REV1/FINAL]
National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
1.6 Analyzing the provisions of the OECD Council Recommendations on Bribery and Officially Supported Export Credits [C(2006)163] and identifying gaps in Ukrainian legislation, which need to be filled in accordance with said Recommendation
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
1.7 Making amendments to PrJSC Export-Credit Agency internal documentation to amend with a view to its approximation to the provisions of the OECD Council Recommendations on Bribery and Officially Supported Export Credits [OECD/LEGAL/0447]
Private Joint-Stock Company “Export-credit agency”
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
1.8 Analyzing the provisions of the OECD Council Recommendation on Tax Measures for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions [C(2009)64)] and identifying gaps in Ukrainian legislation, which need to be filled in accordance with said Recommendation
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
1.9 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to amend legislation with a view to its approximation to the provisions of the OECD Council Recommendation on Tax Measures for Further Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions [C(2009)64)]
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
1.10 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law on amendments to legislative acts with a view to implementation of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, with the exception of the amendments indicated in subclauses,, і
National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
1.11 Ensuring the regular participation of Ukrainian representatives in meetings of the OECD Working Group on Combating Bribery in International Business Transactions
The working group formed in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated July 28, 2022 No. 539/2022
There is no progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
1.12 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the Draft Law of Ukraine On Ratification of the Agreement (via an Exchange of Letters) on Ukraine’s Accession to the OECD Working Group on Combating Bribery in International Business Transactions
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time, but partially
Partially implemented
1.13 Arranging the payment of fees to the OECD Working Group on Combating Bribery in International Business Transactions for participation in the group’s activities
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
There is no progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
1.14 Ensuring Ukraine’s successful in-depth cross-examination by the OECD to verify Ukraine’s readiness for membership in the OECD Working Group on Combating Bribery in International Business Transactions, and invitation for Ukraine to join it as a full member
The working group formed in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated July 28, 2022 No. 539/2022
Implementation of the measure has not started
Not started
1.15 Arranging the ratification of the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions
The working group formed in accordance with the Decree of the President of Ukraine dated July 28, 2022 No. 539/2022
Not started
Permanent and effective cooperation has been established among public authorities, the business community, the Business Ombudsman Council, and the Ukrainian Network of Integrity and Compliance on issues pertaining to protection of legitimate business interests, analyzing systemic problems and developing amendments to legislation, promoting a business culture of integrity, ethics, and accountability Participation by representatives of government agencies in activities conducted as part of the annual month of business integrity of compliance practitioners of the Ukrainian Network of Integrity and Compliance
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
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високий рівень
2.2 Development of publication mechanism for Unified digital integrated information analytical system of real estate objects restoration, construction, and infrastructure management regarding data on use of resources, provided for Ukraine’s restoration by international partners, including data on recipients responsible for project implementation
Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
2.3 Public discussion of a developed publication mechanism for Unified digital integrated information analytical system of real estate objects restoration, construction, and infrastructure management regarding data on use of resources, provided for Ukraine’s restoration by international partners, including data on recipients responsible for project implementation, consideration of related proposals on its improvement
Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
2.4 Implementation of a publication mechanism for Unified digital integrated information analytical system of real estate objects restoration, construction, and infrastructure management regarding data on use of resources, provided for Ukraine’s restoration by international partners, including data on recipients responsible for project implementation
Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine
Implementation of the measure has started on time
In progress
2.5 Provision of a technical possibility in Unified digital integrated information analytical system of real estate objects restoration, construction, and infrastructure management regarding data on use of resources, provided for Ukraine’s restoration by international partners to update data on entities receiving funds to implement such projects
Ministry for Communities and Territories Development of Ukraine
Implementation of the measure was started late
In progress
A concept for implementing anti-corruption standards in the private sector was developed with the participation of the Business Ombudsman Council, business representatives, collective action initiatives, business associations and trade unions Developing the draft of anticorruption standards for the private sector of the economy
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was implemented on time and in full
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3.3 Holding a public discussion of the anticorruption standards, mentioned in subclause
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was implemented on time and in full
3.4 Finalization in accordance with results of public discussion and publishing of anticorruption standards, mentioned in subclause
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was implemented on time and in full
Methodological assistance was provided to private business entities on the practice of applying anti-corruption standards, identifying corruption risks in their activities, as well as developing and implementing effective anti-corruption programs aimed at eliminating these risks Designing methodological documentation on development of integral (efficient) organization for identification and elimination of corruption risks in legal entity’s activity
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was implemented on time and in full
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високий рівень
In cooperation with the business community, assistance has been provided to legal entities under private law in developing and improving their codes of integrity based on best corporate governance practices Developing the draft of the model code of integrity
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was implemented on time and in full
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5.2 Holding a public discussion of the draft of the model code of integrity indicated in subclause, obtaining expert opinions and revising the draft
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was implemented late and partially
Partially implemented
5.3 Approving the revised model code of integrity indicated in subclause
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was implemented on time and in full
Effective mechanisms for verification of information on the ultimate beneficial owners of legal entities under private law in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs, and Public Associations have been introduced Developing the draft Regulation on the Form and Substance of the Structure of Ownership of a Legal Entity
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
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6.2 Clearing the draft Regulation indicated in subclause with the concerned agencies
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
6.3 Approving the Regulation indicated in subclause, ensuring its state registration
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
6.4 Developing the draft of the Regulation on the Form and Substance of the Structure of Ownership of Legal Entities Subject to State Regulation and Oversight by the National Securities and Stock Market Commission (NSSMC)
National Commission on Securities and Stock Market
The measure was implemented on time and in full
6.5 Clearing the draft Regulation indicated in subclause with the concerned agencies
National Commission on Securities and Stock Market
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
6.6 Approving the Regulation indicated in subclause
National Commission on Securities and Stock Market
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
6.7 Developing and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the National Bank the draft Methodology for Determining the Ultimate Beneficial Owner by a Legal Entity
Ministry of Finance of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
6.8 Developing and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine the draft Procedure for automatic verification of the details of ultimate beneficial owners of legal entities using the tools of the Unified State Web Portal for Electronic Services with the use of details from the Unified State Demographic Register and the State Register of Individual Taxpayers
Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
6.9 Developing the draft of the Procedure by which a legal entity must submit explanations and documents to prove information about ultimate beneficial owners and the structure of ownership, as well as the procedure for reviewing them
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
6.11 Clearing the draft procedure indicated in subclause with the concerned agencies
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
6.12 Approving the revised draft procedure indicated in subclause
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
6.13 Developing the draft of the Procedure by which the holder of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs, and Public Associations shall be notified by reporting entities about any discovered discrepancies in information about ultimate beneficial owners and the structure of ownership of legal entities
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
6.15 Approving the revised draft procedure indicated in subclause
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
6.16 Developing the draft of the Procedure by which reporting entities shall relay information to the specially authorized agency about any discrepancies in information about ultimate beneficial owners and the structure of ownership of legal entities
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
6.17 Approving the draft Procedure indicated in subclause
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
6.18 Developing the draft of the Procedure for holding legal entities liable and the procedure for determining the amount of fines for entering or submitting false information about the ultimate beneficial owner of the legal entity (or the absence thereof), failure to submit or late submission of said information
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
6.20 Approving the revised draft procedure indicated in subclause
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was not implemented on time and in full
6.21 Providing the technical capability to make a notation in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, Individual Entrepreneurs, and Public Associations about a potentially misleading nature of the information about the ultimate beneficial owner or the structure of ownership of the legal entity and about the National Bank having found the structure of ownership of the legal entity to be nontransparent (transparent)
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
6.22 Ensuring the technical capability to perform automatic verification of the details of ultimate beneficial owners of legal entities using the tools of the Unified State Web Portal for Electronic Services with the use of details from the Unified State Demographic Register and the State Register of Individual Taxpayers
Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
The measure was implemented late and partially
Partially implemented
A law on administrative procedure has been adopted, which defines the right of a person to be heard in the face of a pending unfavorable administrative act, ensures balanced decisions that legitimately balance public and private interests, defines the specifics of administrative proceedings in cases involving a large number of persons, and establishes the obligation to provide reasoning for decisions and specify the procedure for appealing them Monitoring and issuing substantiated opinions objecting to the draft laws that provide for a postponement of the effective date of the Law of Ukraine On the Administrative Procedure by more than 18 months from the date of its publication, i.e. after December 15, 2023
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
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7.2 Monitoring and issuing substantiated opinions objecting to the draft laws that propose amendments that would narrow down the subject matter of the effect of the Law of Ukraine On the Administrative Procedure
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
7.3 Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to align legislative acts with the provisions of the Law of Ukraine On the Administrative Procedure (in accordance with the plan of implementation of the Law of Ukraine On the Administrative Procedure)
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time and in full
7.4 Monitoring and issuing substantiated opinions objecting to the draft laws that propose regulating aspects of administrative procedures and are substantially inconsistent with the Law of Ukraine On the Administrative Procedure
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
7.5 Arranging the training of civil servants and officials of local self-government bodies under professional development programs focusing on the general administrative procedure
National Agency of Ukraine on Civil Service
There is progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
The law on administrative fees has been adopted, which defines the concept, kinds, and functions of administrative fees, the principles by which they are charged, paid, and used Support of consideration of the draft law on administration fee (registration no, 4380 as of November 16, 2020) in Verhovna Rada of Ukraine (in particular, in case of use of the President’s of Ukraine right of veto to it).
Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
Implementation of the measure has not started
Not started
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8.2 Development and submission to Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of the draft regulation of Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ‘On some issues of calculation of a charge (administration fee) for provision of public (electronic public) services’ to reconsider the charge (administration fee) calculation mechanism for provisioning of public (electronic public) services
Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine
The measure was implemented on time, but partially
Partially implemented
Legislation establishes the obligation of internal auditors to report the facts of corruption and corruption-related offenses they have discovered Drafting and submitting to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine a draft law proposing to amend Article 61 of the Law and provide for the obligation of the employee of the legal entity conducting an internal audit to notify the specially authorized anticorruption entity as well as the officer responsible for preventing corruption in the operations of the legal entity, the manager of the legal entity, or the founders (shareholders) of the legal entity about any instances of corruption and corruption-related offenses, as well as instances where attempts were made to incite corruption in the operations of the legal entity
National Agency on Corruption Prevention
The measure was implemented on time and in full
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The law on the Institution of the Business Ombudsman has been adopted, which will help prevent corruption and corruption-related offenses or other violations of the legitimate rights and interests of business entities affected by unscrupulous conduct (actions, decisions and/or omission to act) on the part of government agencies and local self-government bodies Supporting the consideration of the Draft Law of Ukraine On the Institution of the Business Ombudsman in Ukraine (registration number 3607 dated June 5, 2020) in the Parliament of Ukraine (particularly if the President of Ukraine vetoes the draft law)
Ministry of Economy of Ukraine
There is no progress in the implementation of the measure
In progress
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